Friday, May 31, 2013

Bye spring, hi summer

The last entry ushered in spring 2013, and this entry escorts it out.  School has ended and summer is upon us.  And it's Mummy's birthday!  The picture above proves the notion that in Lawerence, you never know what your gonna get...

Daddy just barely missed a great photo opp of both boys entertaining pretty girls during the morning opener at school.  Carson discovered the attempted photo capture at the last moment and broke off his conversation.

There were several field trips to end the school year, and here is Carson's 2nd grade class in Topeka visiting the Kansas History Museum.  They have a functioning one-room school house where the children took part in very strict lessons taught by a no-nonsense period teacher.

Enough of school, let's get the summer started!!  The calendar is filled with day camps and play dates and outdoor shenanigans.  Above, the boys are enjoying the end of school party.

A trip to Mema and Grandpa's included an expedition to the creek in their backyard.  The boys love both the Lansing Creek and the Kansas River which flows just north of our neighborhood in Lawrence.  On our last trip to the river, Conner found a dinosaur vertebrae!  Or it might be a from a cow...

Carson upped the anty on his running this month.  He chose to do a 10K with his friend Sawyer.  We were nervous that he would not pace himself, and really struggle on the last 5K.  Not so much!  26 minutes for the first 5 and 29 minutes for the second 5.  Dude is a runner.

A rare pic of the whole fam!  Our friend Michael Beers took this picture after the KU Homecoming parade.  Daddy was the MC and the rest of the family suffered through a chilly afternoon (yeah, this pic is a little out of sequence...)

Conner has pretty much taken over the title of Puzzlemaster.  Here he is putting the finishing touches on a 1,000 piece puzzle.  We helped him here and there, but he did the lion's share.  While Carson is our memory superstar, Conner wins the prize for persistance and concentration.

A fun trip to Uncle Ted's for trampolining and four-wheeling!  We had a lovely spring and are sad to see the flowers and cool weather departing.  But summer is going to be a blast and we can't wait to share pics of swimming and other outdoor adventures!


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